[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 30 AUG 1968: Death of Captain Charles Edwin Woodrow (C E W) Bean. Charles Bean did more than any other individual to establish the Australian War Memorial. Australia’s official war correspondent during the First World War, Bean wrote six volumes of the Official History of Australia in the war of 1914–1918 and edited the […]
Western Front

Battle of Ypres Ends
14 NOV 1917: World War I and today sees the end of the third battle of Ypres, on the Western Front. Australian troops had been involved in the third battle of Ypres for three and a half months and suffered heavy losses at such places as Menin Road, Glencorse Wood, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde Ridge and […]
5th Division in France
21 OCT 1916: World War I and the 5th Australian Division is on the Western Front. The 5th Australian Division entered the front line near Flers on the Somme. By October the Somme battlefield was a waste of mud-bound craters. From March 1916 Australian divisions began arriving in France. Initially the troops found a pleasant […]